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The Dwarven Mineralization Technology creates gemstone from wood through the accelerated petrification of wood. Electroculture and Magnetoculture Technology is utilized to create natural, and perpetual, heating sources to accelerate the natural petrification of wood. Under proper heating conditions, it is possible to petrify wood in under a year’s time. Petrified wood can absorb a diversity of different mineral and metallic compounds; capable of creating quartz, opal, and jasper, and capable of absorbing precious metals such as gold, silver, and potentially platinum. Dwarven Gemstone Technology remineralizes Forest Ecosystem and is utilized to create hobbit houses within mountainous terrain and Gemstone Caverns within the underground.
Dwarven Energy Technology is created by structuring hollow petrified wood lightning chambers within the subterranean environment of the environment. These lightning chambers are turned into perpetual particle accelerators by replicating the conditions for atmospheric lightning storms to form within the subterranean chambers. Special mineral and metal compounds will be structured into the petrified wood lightning chambers to optimize the production, sustenance, and circulation of atmospheric lightning. Lumber will first be burned into activated charcoal logs and then petrified with gold, copper, silver, and cobalt. The Petrification processes will be centralized for retaining the carbon within the activated charcoal log into the mineralization of graphite. Lightning Productions within the Carbon-Petrified Wood Lightning Chambers will be structured to create pressure systems of 15GPa+ and heating conditions above 1000 degrees Celsius to enable the chemical structure of the graphite-petrified wood tunnel chambers to evolve into Lonsdaleite (Hexagonal Diamond). The Petrified Lonsdaleite Lightning Chambers will establish natural insulation systems for cooling layers around the Lightning Chambers optimal to the development of native ecological habitats. The Lightning Productions will be guided to shape the Lonsdaleite into a crystalline structure that converts electrical energy from the lightning into electromagnetic energy being refracted through the Hexagonal Diamond Crystal Lightning Chambers. Electromagnetic energy will be refracted into surrounding subterranean habitats for stimulating beneficial developments for the native ecosystems.
Research and Development will be done to study the effects of the subterranean lightning chambers and Lightning Sprites within the upper levels of the plant’s atmosphere. Currently, whenever lightning strikes the ground, lightning sprites are created within the upper levels of the atmosphere. Subterranean Lightning Chambers may also have similar reactions within the planet’s atmosphere, enabling controllable scientific studies on lightning sprites and their effect within the atmosphere. Regular Lightning Storms play significant roles in rebalancing the planet’s atmosphere from pollutants, Lightning Sprites may have similar effect and/or response systems of natural biofeedback communication systems of the Planetary Biosphere.
Research and Development will be done within Dwarven Particle Accelerators to establish a precise and accurate database of energy variations needed for the creation of sub-atomic energy and matter from electromagnetic waves at varying intensities beyond the minimal threshold. During Technology will be used to create sub-atomic particles from electromagnetic fields, fuse subatomic particles into higher dimensional constructs (such as atoms) and establish systems of organization in the arrangement of quantum energy.
Research will be done into Developing Next Generation Quantum Computers through integration of Quantum Computing Qubit Systems with the Perpetual Particle Accelerator Technology. Quantum Supercomputers will be structure for creating sub-atomic particles, atomic structures, and higher dimensional structures of universal development through the production, sustenance, and quantum entanglement of photons. Studies will be done into the production of sustainable Ball Lightning Generators within the Perpetual Particle Accelerators to entangle Ball Lightning Systems into Qubit Processors. Quantum Supercomputers will be structured with Quantum Computer Technology operating on quantum, microscopic, and macroscopic levels; utilizing energy generation from atmospheric lightning for powering supercomputer processing systems.
The Dwarven Masonry Eco-Factory Technology is created from developments of the Tree-Stump Technology Level 5 – Plasma Tree Technology. The Dwarven Technology utilizes the Plasma Tree Technology’s capacity for harvesting Raw Material Resources from the mantle of the earth and integrates this technology with the Tree-Stump Technology Level 2 – Forest Computer Technology, to create a Three(+)Dimensional Computer System that utilizes the root systems to excrete specific raw materials in graphic designs of three-dimensional environments within the subterranean levels of the Planetary Crust. These Subterranean Cities will be made out of precious gemstones and metals, such as gold, silver, platinum, diamond, ruby, emerald, and minerals we have never seen before. Quantum Supercomputers have already been proven to be capable of creating new states of matter, such as Time-Crystals; this technology is designed to maximize these properties of Quantum Supercomputing Technology into beneficial application for Planetary Ecosystems and the Biosphere to facilitate Natural Evolutionary Developments in Universal Structure.
AI Technology will be integrated into the Quantum Supercomputer, with core programming for facilitation of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem’s, and Planetary Biosphere’s, interests and commands. The interests and commands of Humanity will be integrated in through our representative investments in the Creation of this technology in Service to God (the most merciful, most kind).
Ourea Technology creates Eco-Factories by enhancing living mountain Oureas. When the North American Continent was originally colonized, deadly weapons were created against the Immortal Primordial Elementals to murder the Sacred Spirits of Nature. The Westerners created a WaterJet Cannon that shot jet streams so powerful, they were able to wipe out entire mountain ranges so the colonists could mine them hollow for gold. Eventually, this technology was banned due to how devastating the impact to the environment was. Durin Mountain Technology will Revive the great Oureas that were savagely murdered by the western colonists and restore the Great Mountain Spirits to equal or greater prosperity and majesty than ever before!
The Dwarven Energy Technology is designed to propel the growth and development of the Ancient Redwood Forest to equal or greater caliber to how the ancestors of these trees existed during the times of the Dinosaurs. Redwood Trees naturally grow very aggressively. The Natural Bioresource Production within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem will grow at such accelerated rates (propelling health properties of the trees) that the Forest will require extensive Timber Harvest Production of the trees to maintain access within the Forest Ecosystems. Majority of the Timber Harvest Production will recycle directly back into the development of the ecosystem while small (yet still significant) amounts can be exported for the development of other regions of the planet.
The Accelerated Development of Petrified Wood Gemstones will be utilized to create Gemstone Mountains with thoroughly developed Interior Gemstone Cave Systems. The Exterior of the Mountain will be made with Petrified Wood Gemstone while the interior cave systems will be developed utilizing the TSL5T Plasma Tree Technology. The Root Systems of the Plasma Trees will be developed to go into the mantle, and the deeper layers of the mantle, and develop root systems within these environments that can absorb the lava as it would a liquid or solid. The Root Systems of the Plasma Trees will be developed for wrapping around the whole planet through the inner mantle layers and then branch back outward into all geographical areas of the planet through the mantle, creating volcanic-like tube systems created from the Living Redwood Roots of the Plasma Tree. The Redwood Root Volcanic Tunnels will be guided to sprout back upwards towards the surface of the planet and into the interior of the Petrified Wood Mountains. The Tunnel Systems will be created with the Volcanic Tunnels being formed within a Second root Tunnel System that is attached to the Volcanic Root Tunnels but does not circulate any lava through it. The Plasma Tree Root Systems will then bring resources from the mantle of the planet into the Petrified Wood Mountain Interiors to fill it up with mineral resources. Framework Systems will be established through the Petrified Wood for the development of the interior tunnel systems within the Ourea Mountain. The Durin Ourea Mountains will be created as production and refinement factories for mineral resources. The Plasma Tree Root Systems will be developed to transport mantle resources into different parts of the surface crust through the development of 3 basic kinds of surface root systems:
The Interior Cave Systems will be structured through the Petrified Wood Framework for the Gemstone Mountain. These Cave Systems will be structured for the harvesting of different kind of Mantle Resources and designed for blacksmith, metalworkers, gemsmith, and other kinds of mineral experts. The center of the top of the Gemstone Mountains will be left open, like a volcano, with a large hole going directly into the mantle that will also be kept full of lava. The Interior of the Plasma Tree Volcanic Root Tunnel System will be designed to push Natural Resources from the mantle of the planet to the surface while the exterior Plasma Tree Volcanic Root Tunnel System will be designed to drain water from the surface into the interior levels of the mantle. This system will be used for regulating differentiation in heating and cooling within the Ourea Mountain Factories. Cooling differentiation will be used for solidifying the mantle resources within the Ourea Mountain into solids while heating differentiations will be used for creating lava channels within the Mountain to circulate mantle resources into Smithing Chambers for refinement and production of higher-grade natural resources. The Water Fall cooling systems will then drop water into the deeper layers of the earth’s crust and into the mantle. The Plasma Tree Volcanic Root System will utilize the mantle lava and surface rain circulation system to establish subterranean ecosystems within different levels of the planet’s crust and mantle.
The Exterior of the Gemstone Cave Systems will be crafted with a heat absorbing layering that convert heat energy into the production of controlled low frequency acoustic vibrations that reduce air temperature while also stimulating fluorescence within the Gemstone Cave Systems through the convergence of heat into sound and then into fluorescent light. The stimulation of Fluorescence will provide lighting systems while traveling through the cave systems. The Cave Systems will be structured to promote the development of natural cave ecosystems within the tunnel systems. Specially developed chambers will be created connected with the tunnel systems for the circulation lava plasma, the refinement of mineral compounds, and the production of new mantle resources. The smithing chambers will be customized to optimize the development, sustenance, and flourishment of the Cave Ecosystems, the Gemstone Mountain Ecosystem(s), the surrounding Native Ecosystem(s), and the Planetary Biosphere.
Wind Echo Chambers will be developed to connect with all the interior cave systems within the Gemstone Oureas. These Wind Chambers will be sculpted so when wind currents from the exterior of the mountains channel into the interior cave systems, sound will be created through the wind’s echo within the wind chambers. The Wind Echo Chambers will be specially crafted to produce different musical notes and sound resonance patterns through the structure and sculpting of the chambers. The Wind Echo Chambers will be harmonically arranged to sing dwarven melodies within the cave systems.
Research and Development will be done with Lichen to develop systems for accelerating the breakdown of mineral compounds for digestion and use within the development of Living Ecosystems. Lichen will be developed for turning heavy metals, precious metals, gemstones, and a vast diversity of different mineral compounds into biodegradable substances for recycling within the evolutionary development of the Planetary Biosphere. The Ourea Mountains will naturally integrate into its surrounding ecosystem by providing optimal environments for native lichen species to develop along the surface, and interior caves, of the mountain. Cave Ecosystems will be cultivated within the mountain caves in addition to the mineral production chambers, to optimize evolutionary developments within the planetary biosphere. The Cave Ecosystems will then be developed for further harmonization with the natural surrounding ecological habitats to integrate into plain, forest, or tundra environments within the exterior of the Mountain Systems to propel natural develop for its interior cave ecosystems.
Waterfall systems will be developed to take water from the surface of the planet and circulate it into the deeper levels of the crust and mantle. The Plasma Tree Root Volcanic Tunnels will be developed into Subterranean Cave Systems throughout the inner layers of the planet. The water will enable cooling regulation and an oxidization system to allow the development of natural subterranean ecosystems to form, similar to the ones in Orwell’s Journey to the Center of the Earth. The Waterfall Systems into the inner levels of the planet will provide a mutual exchange from the resources from the surface of the planet and natural resources extracted from the mantle while optimizing evolutionary developments within Natural Resource Productions within the Planetary Biosphere.