Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Δ Chemical Energy Production = Δ Biomass x Biophoton Emissions^2
Central Awareness positions Photon Emissions to Structure Motion in Matter
Every field of science/art/philosophy/spirituality/etc. circulates through Biophoton Light Scriptures Stored in Data within the Environment, each portraying activation of specific Genetic Codes Programmed into the Environment.
Data Storage = (Environment Program) / {[(Biophoton Code) (Biophoton Scripture)]^2 (Central Processor)}
The Environmental Sequence of Biophoton Scriptures refines Programs within an Environment relative to the Biophoton Codes transferred through the Central Processor(es). The culmination of every field of Knowledge/Wisdom is equates to Environmental Programs relative to the Environmental Software.
Environmental Sequence = Δ Environmental Program / Environmental Software^2
Central Awareness is Structured by Environment Programs:
Central Awareness Processor = (Environment Program / [(Environmental Software)^2 (Environment Data Storage)]
Central Processors translate Environmental Programs structured the into Data Storage of Environmental Software. Superposition of Central Awareness occurs through the derivative(s) of the Environment’s Software, signifying modifications made to the dimensional perimeters of motion traveling through space:
Superposition of Central Awareness = Δa√ (Δ Environmental Program Δa-1/ Environmental Sequence Δa-1)
The Superposition of Awareness Centralizes Individual Central Awareness Processors into the culmination of a Superposition of Central Awareness. The derivatives of the Superposition of Central Awareness signify the process of awakening into Consciousness; becoming aware that we are aware.
1st Physical Awareness = Reaction 2nd Physical Awareness = Action
3rd Physical Awareness = Reflection 4th Physical Awareness = Flection
5th Physical Awareness = Fraction 6th Physical Awareness = Refraction
7th Physical Awareness = Liberation 8th Physical Awareness = Dissemination
Δ Biophoton Scripture = Δ √ {Environment Program / [(Central Nutrient Processor) (Nutrient Data Storage)]} / Biophoton Code
On primal levels; as Awareness of Food evolves, Biological Organisms are introduced to Higher Quality Ingredients, enabling greater Natural Resources used for Environmental Programming of Cellular Creation within the body. Ignorance of what we eat eventually leads to death while Awareness of what we eat Codes Biophoton Scriptures dormant within the Program.
The meaning of biomass is the amount of living matter (as in a unit area or volume of habitat).
Central Awareness Processor:
The central processing unit (CPU) or processor, is the unit which performs most of the processing inside a Simulator.
Data Storage:
In 1924, Einstein pointed out that bosons could “condense” in unlimited numbers into a single ground state since they are governed by Bose-Einstein Statistics and not constrained by Pauli Exclusion Principle. Data storage is a general term for archiving data in electromagnetic or other forms for use by a Central Awareness Processor, or other device. The Void of Space is a Data Storage Device.
Environmental Program:
An Environmental Program is a Sequence of Instructions in a Programming Language that a Central Awareness Processor can execute or interpret. An Environmental Program is a component of Environmental Software – which also includes documentation and other intangible components.
Environmental Software:
Environmental Software comprises the entire set of programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of a Central Awareness Processor System. The term was coined to differentiate these instructions from hardware—i.e., the physical components of a Central Awareness Processor.
Biophoton Code:
The symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in an Environmental Program or the set of such instructions
Biophoton Scripture:
A Biophoton Scripture is a list of commands that are executed by a certain Environmental Program or scripting engine.
Environmental Sequence:
an arrangement of two or more things in a successive order · a sequentially ordered set of related things or ideas.
Superposition of Central Awareness:
When two or more waves cross at a Central Point, the displacement at that Central Point is equal to the sum of the displacements of the individual waves.
an action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event.
Action is a numerical value describing how a physical system has changed over time. Action is significant because the equations of motion of the system can be derived through the principle of stationary action.
the change in direction of a wavefront at an interface between two different media so that the wavefront returns into the medium from which it originated. Common examples include the reflection of light, sound and water waves.
The act of being bent
To Break
the phenomenon of light, radio waves, etc. being deflected in passing obliquely through the interface between one medium and another or through a medium of varying density; change in direction of propagation of any wave as a result of its traveling at different speeds at different points along the wave front.
to release (something, esp a gas) from chemical combination during a chemical reaction
To disseminate (from lat. disseminare "scattering seeds"), is to broadcast a message to the public without direct feedback from the audience.
Δ Chemical Energy Production = Δ Biomass x Biophoton Emissions^2
Environmental Programming = Environmental Sequence x Environmental Software^2
Environmental Programming = Δ [(Central Processor) (Data Storage)] [(Environmental Code) (Environmental Scripture)]^2
Environmental Software = √(Environmental Program / Environmental Hardware)
Natural Resource Densities = Central Processor
Central Awareness
Void in Space = Data Storage
Environment = Environment Hardware
Evolutionary Development = Environmental Sequence
Δ Energy Production
Natural Adaptation = Environment Programming
ΔSpeed of Light
Biophoton Productions = Environmental Software
Evolutionary Potential = Biophoton Scripture
Evolutionary Channel = Biophoton Code
Δ Environment Program = Environmental Programming
Environment Software^Δa = Superposition of Central Awareness
Data Storage = (Environment Program) / [(Environment Software^2) (Central Processor)]
Central Awareness Processor = 1 / Data Storage
Central Awareness Processor = (Environment Program / {[(Environment Scripture) (Environment Code)]^2 (Environment Data Storage)}
Superposition of Central Awareness = Δa√[(Environment Program / (Environment Hardware)]
Derivatives of Superposition of Central Awareness =
1st Dimensional Awareness = Reaction
2nd Dimensional Awareness = Action
3rd Dimensional Awareness = Reflection
4th Dimensional Awareness = Flection
5th Dimensional Awareness = Fraction
6th Dimensional Awareness = Refraction
7th Dimensional Awareness = Liberation
8th Dimensional Awareness = Dissemination