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Eco-Village Infrastructure utilizes Eco-Building Structures as Third Dimensional Central Processors to Channel Evolutionary Pathways for Higher Dimensional Energetic Currents to collapse into Third Dimensional Environmental Sequences. Eco-Building Infrastructure will organize and structure energetic currents within Inhabited Environments for Perpetual Energetic Exchange expanding Natural Evolutionary Developments for Inhabiting Species into Extra Dimensions of Spatial Structure. Wind Energy will be structured into Higher Dimensions of Energetic Exchange by transferring energy into Sound Energy and Light Energy. Sound Energy and Light Energy will be transferred into higher dimensions of energetic exchange by transferring energy into the diversification of Sub-Atomic Particle Productions. Eco-Village Habitats will be Environmentally Structured to Program Higher Dimensional Constructs into Third Dimensional Spatial Structures by Environmentally Sequencing Interdimensional Collapses from 5+ Dimension(s) of Space through Third Dimensional Eco-Building Central Processors.
Eco-Building Sustainable Housing Realty Development will Centralize Awareness into enhancing Diplomatic Relations and Evolutionary Development within inhabited sections of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem.
Sustainable Pathway and Roadway Systems will be developed to accelerate the natural decomposition rate of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem while solidifying structural landscapes of muddy, sliding, mountain habitats.
Water Irrigation Networks will be established to optimize Bioresource Productions and Natural Evolutionary Developments within the Watershed Habitats of the Jacoby Creek Ecosystem. Water Irrigation Systems within the Forest will be structured for providing ample yearly water supplies constantly circulating throughout the entire forest ecosystem, establishing natural perimeter barriers within the Forest for quarantining Wildfires from expanding out of control. Waterways within the forest will also provide additional support as safe havens for wildlife animals fleeing from wildfires. Natural Wildfires will be regulated to produce activated nutrient compounds for propelling overall growth and development of the surrounding Forest Ecosystem.
Eco-Buildings will be customized to provide Habitat Spaces for specified specie(s), structuring natural habitual qualities of each species into evolutionary channels prompting potentials for higher evolutionary developments (of equal or greater caliber to modern civilization advancements).
Sustainable and Renewable Biowaste Management Systems will be implemented for recycling biowaste into renewable energy and biodegradable compost.
Research, Development, and Experimentation will be Centralized into Structuring Eco-Building Environments that operate as Lightning Chambers for Perpetual Energy Harvesting. Natural Particle Accelerators will be created for sustainable and renewable energy harvesting through the collision and collection of subatomic energy.
Environmental Structures will be created for programming environmental codes channeling evolutionary developments in the sequence of biophoton scriptures prompting the Superposition of Universal Structure. Realty Development will structure Organic Chemical Energy Production as byproducts of Natural Adaptations from Environmental Sequences within Community Habitats. Realty Productions of Community Habitats will Centralize Organic Chemical Energy Outputs and Biophoton Emission Stimulation into the conduit for informational transference of higher dimensional scriptures into evolutionary channels accessible within third dimensional environmental structures.
Eco-Building Housing Habitats will provide Evolutionary Platforms for Next Generation Scientific Research, Development, and Experimentation in the fields of human advancement. Eco-Building Structures, customized in orientation for propelling natural biological development of native inhabitants, will compliment native inhabitant developments with corresponding human specialists facilitating propagation in the Superposition of Evolutionary Developments for inhabiting species. Expert Specialists, such as bird specialists, reptile specialists, animal specialists, music specialists, mycelium specialists, master food preservers, etc.; will be companioned within corresponding Eco-Building Housing Habitats, such as bat habitats, salamander habitats, spotted owl habitats, butterfly habitats, etc.; for integrating human activities and developments into symbiotic relation with natural evolutionary developments of native ecological habitats.
Eco-Building Habitats will be Structured into all levels of the environment; elevated within the trees, on the surface of the soil, and within the underground. Housing Habitats will maximize Realty Production of Natural Bioresources within Inhabited sections of the Ecosystem by optimizing bioresource vitality, accessibility, and circulation among native inhabitants. Eco-Buildings will Centralize the Superposition of Natural Environmental Programs within Inhabited Sections of the Ecosystem by Sequencing Evolutionary Pathways within Environmental Structures for Evolutionary Developments towards higher civilizational advancements to take place harmonious to the natural evolutionary development of native inhabitants. Basic Models for Prototype Eco-Building Habitat Structures will include Seller Jay Habitats, American Robin Habitat, Giant Salamander Habitats, Spotted Owl Habitats, Bat Habitats, Dragonfly Habitats, Honeybee Habitats, Butterfly Habitats, Banana Slug Habitats, Black Bear Habitats, Musical Habitats, Photonic Habitats, Natural Resource Production Habitats, and other Evolutionary Chambers Structured for stimulating the Development of Life.
Ground structures built within the Redwood Forest Habitats need to be innately adaptive to the natural property of the Redwood Forest for burying its root systems over time. Pathways and Roadways will be established as biodegradable any/or designed to assist in stabilization of the Sliding Mountain Habitats of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem.
Ecological Background: The Redwood Forest Ecosystem Naturally stabilizes its Constantly Sliding Mountainous Landscapes through fallen trees, fallen tree debris, and fallen branches. The fallen Tree Debris decompose with the fallen trees and fallen branches to stabilize its constantly sliding mountain habitats through perpetual development and maintenance of new topsoil.
Ecological Pathway Systems within the Forest Ecosystem is Centralized in establishing biodegradable pathways that accelerate the natural decomposition rate of local forest habitats through pedestrian use. Basic Models for the Biodegradable Pathway Systems will integrate the Natural Environmental Structuring of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem by laying out Small Redwood logs, and/or Large Tree Branches, closely together to create a basic pathway structure. As the logs are laid out next to each other, and on top of one-another, the grooves of the logs bind together, forming a strong structural bond between them. This kind of Environmental Structuring assists with stabilizing the ground system by imitating the natural stabilization process of the Forest Ecosystem into more structurally solidified geological landscapes. Rocks can be laid on top of the dead tree logs/branches pathway system to offer additional structural stability. On the surface of the pathway are placed large tile strips made from the external bark of Redwood Trees. The Bark of Redwood Trees provide a soft yet durable landscape for pedestrian use and adds to structural support of the pathway when it degrades into the deeper levels of the structure (filling in any gaps or holes within the deeper foundation). New levels can be readily added on top when needed and will ultimately create a stronger and stronger foundation buried underneath over time. Over time, the logs will become fully integrated into the forest landscape, providing a fully stabilized pathway system naturally promoting the health of its surrounding ecosystem over long periods of time.
Ecological Roadway Systems will be created through accelerated methods for producing petrified wood. Roadway systems will be established by creating areas originally dug out as artificial creeks pointed in a north-south direction. Galvanized gold wire will be placed at the bottom of the creek beds in many folds. Magnets will then be placed on the southern end of these wires, creating a natural electrical current within the gold wiring by capturing energy from the Magnetic Field of the planet. Medium-Large Redwood Trees will then be placed on top of the subterranean electrical conductor. Large bodies of silica rich soil will be placed on the bottom, top, and around the logs; as well as other minerals sought to integrate into the petrified wood structure. The logs will then be buried in mud until filled back to original surface level. Containment walls, at least 1-2 feet tall, will be placed around the buried logs to operate as a channel for a canal. A large water pump will be placed at the entrance of the artificial creek, flooding the creek with water. The combination of muddy soil and a large body of water on top stops oxygen from circulating beneath the soil bed, enabling the proper conditions for wood to petrify. The electrical conductance from the gold wires creates a natural heat source underneath the logs to accelerate the petrification of the wood to specified rates. Once the wood is fully petrified, the electrical system is shut down by removing the magnets on the southern end of the electrical wires, water pump is halted, and the artificial creek is turned into a natural roadway system with mineral rich nutrients (the petrified wood) slowly degrading into the surrounding ecosystem.
Subterranean Tunnel Systems will be structured underneath Roadway Systems, among other locations, by petrifying hollow tunnel systems operating as the structural foundation for the roadway systems and an independent travel way system beneath the surface of the forest. Logs will be petrified into hollow tunnel structures by adding a non-degradable cement filling in the center during the petrification process and then removing this filler when ready for utilization. These structures will be designed to aid in the stabilization of the moving mountain landscape, provide vital mineral resources within the subterranean environment and soil bed of the Forest Ecosystem, and operate as safe and controlled travel channels for ecological necessities. Subterranean Tunnel Systems will be Structured for a variety of different uses; from basic pathways and road systems to Eco-Friendly Highways and Railways, Sewage Systems, Waterways, electrical grids, and other societal and ecological necessities.
The Subterranean Irrigation Systems will circulate water beneath the surface of the Forest. This system will utilize Petrified Wood Tunnel Chambers to circulate water with Controlled impact into the surrounding ecosystem. Certain sections of the Fresh Water Tunnel Chambers will link into natural spring systems beneath the soil bed. A Natural Subterranean Irrigation System will be created beneath the Soil bed that operates independently, and intertwined, with the Natural Surface Irrigation Systems within the Forest Ecosystem.
The Surface Level Water Irrigation System will utilize Seasonal Creeks that circulate into the main Jacoby Creek to maximize water circulation throughout the forest ecosystem year-round. Water Holes and Large Water Basins will be created in periodic sections of the forest to store water during the winter season and pump this stored water through the seasonal creeks and into the main Jacoby Creek during the summer seasons, maximizing water circulation throughout the surface of the forest during the dry seasons (when the forest is in most need of water).
The Elevated Irrigation System will be created with Large Tubes hug up across the Redwood Trees that will operate as Waterslides leading into dug out water holes. These waterslides will pump water from the Jacoby Creek through the Waterslide, into the water hole, and then circulate naturally through a seasonal creek back into the Primary Jacoby Creek. During the summer season, the waterslides will switch to pumping water from Large Water Basins to maximize water circulation throughout the Jacoby Creek Forest Habitats. The Large Water Tubes enable water circulation throughout the entire forest without impact to surrounding forest environments.
The Subterranean Water Irrigation Systems will Centralize Awareness into Natural Resource Productions of Aquatic Bioresources through Subterranean Gemstone Eco-Building Developments. The Subterranean Water Irrigation Systems will naturally connect into the Subterranean Gemstone Dwarven Eco-Building Habitats to operate as natural running water sources within these habitats. Petrified Wood Water Irrigation Tunnels will be developed for establishing Subterranean Waterway-Travel systems for aquatic fish and small boats to travel between Subterranean Eco-Buildings and Subterranean Aquatic Spring Habitats. The Subterranean Water Irrigation System Will Centralize Awareness into creating Environmental Structures for Native Aquatic Fish Species to be capable of inhabiting the subterranean aquatic ecosystems. Water Pumps will be placed in natural spring water-wells to create perpetual circulation within the Subterranean Aquatic Ecosystems. There will be additional water channels connected to primary, and seasonal, creeks on the surface; enabling overflooding water to circulate naturally through the subterranean waterways. This system will establish a 3-dimensional waterway system between the surface level of the Forest and the Subterranean Springs beneath the forest.
Subterranean Water-Well Springs will be customized into ideal habitats for each native species of fish within the Jacoby Creek Forest. Electroculture and Magnetoculture technologies will be implemented to adjust for any light and heat differentiation that may be needed for specific aquatic species’ inhabitance and mineral content adjustments will be balanced with the natural mineral content of the Jacoby Creek. Subterranean Aquatic Spring Habitats will be utilized as Native Aquatic Species Wildlife Rehabilitation Sanctuaries and developed for the function of promoting Thriving Fishery Habitats within the Jacoby Creek Watershed.
Electroculture and Magnetoculture Technology will be adapted for creating natural heat sources for specified Natural Subterranean Water-Springs. Environmental Structuring will be Centralized in the refinement of nutrient content within the spring water through the production of steam. Subterranean Sauna Springs will be created in optimal locations for the steam they emit to rise to the higher levels of the subterranean ecosystems, prompting greater biological development within their affected ecosystems. Steam Vents will be created in specified location to optimize development of mycelium and insect habitats within the Subterranean Forest Ecosystem. The steam will provide heat, moisture, microbial water circulation, and will aid in keeping the subterranean soil beds loose.
The Subterranean Water Irrigation System will be used to create Natural Water Pump Irrigation Systems to produce Geysers within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem. Electroculture and Magnetoculture Technologies will be adapted for creating the proper heating conditions to produce geysers within the Redwood Forest Habitats through steam ventilation from Subterranean Sauna Spring Habitats. Geyser Resource Productions will be used for revitalizing, and optimizing the balance of, Natural mineral and nutrient contents within the atmosphere of the forest. Geyser Water Pump Systems will be structured in specific regions of the forest where the most vital nutrients, and mineral content, dwells for atmospheric rejuvenation. Geysers naturally create special bacteria that are central for establishing the proper conditions for Forest Ecosystems to form. Certain Bacteria that are created within Geysers naturally oxidize the atmosphere (far more than Forests do) and take nitrogen out of the atmosphere and produce nitrate bioresources within the soil habitats. Geyser Systems will be implemented for producing higher levels of oxygen within the atmosphere and producing higher levels of nitrogen within the soil beds of the Forest
Terranean Water Irrigation Systems Will Centralize Environmental Structuring to maximize production (in both quality and quantity) of Natural Bioresource Circulation through the surface level of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem. Aquatic Eco-Buildings will be structured within the Redwood Forest, customized into ideal aquatic habitats specified uniquely for each aquatic species within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem. Large Central Basins will be structured as general aquatic spaces, habitable to all the Native Aquatic Species within the local ecosystem, while smaller water holes will be structured into habitats for specific species’ spawning and habitation.
Large Water Basins will be established in strategic sections of the Jacoby Creek Forest to operate as Water Storage Facilities and year-round Aquatic Habitats. These basins will be structured to store at least 100,000,000 gallons of water and will be designed utilizing aquaculture techniques for rehabilitation of the native fish species within the Jacoby Creek Watershed. The Water Basins will be established to have enough water to safely operate as spawning habitats for Forest Fish and sufficient extra water to be used during the summer months to optimize water circulation into the Jacoby Creek.
Water Holes will be dug into areas along seasonal creeks where large puddles of water naturally build up. Large Activated Charcoal Logs will be structured along the base and walls of the water holes to detoxify the water, making it safe for drinking purposes. Large Activated Charcoal logs that are created within forests naturally provide vital activated nutrients that promotes the growth and development of Healthy Forest Ecosystems. Structuring the base and walls of Water Holes running along seasonal creeks with large activated charcoal logs will enable small particulates of activated charcoal to naturally run into the Jacoby Creek, detoxify unhealthy imbalances that may occur within the creek due to heavy sedimentations. Many of these Water Hole environments will be used as Native Fish Nurseries to promote Rehabilitation of the Watershed Ecosystem and optimize production (in both quality and quantity) of natural Aquatic Bioresources circulating through the Jacoby Creek Forest.
A water pump will be placed at the base of local Seasonal Creeks to take water from the Large Central Water Basins and pump it through the seasonal creeks, into the Jacoby Creek, during the summer months; turning the seasonal creeks into yearly creeks that optimize water circulation within the Forest Ecosystem during the dry months. The water from the seasonal creek will flow through the water holes and back into the Jacoby Creek. The constantly running water will establish a second level of purification to keep the water within the water holes clean for drinking purposes. Utilizing the natural waterways of the seasonal creeks during the summer months will optimize growth and development of the surrounding Forest Habitats; enabling wildlife access to water during months they are get the most sun and heat.
Large Central Water Basins and Water Holes will be dug into deeply to add extra layers of large logs beneath them for the establishment of petrified wood foundations. Volcanic ash, and other quality minerals, will be added to the soil beds to form a thick, muddy composition over the logs; establishing the conditions for petrification to occur. Electroculture will be used accelerate petrification and will also provide an additional source for purifying the water being used for the water holes. A top level of rocks will be added to minimize any mud from getting into the water supplies, keeping the water crystal clear.
Some of the Water Holes will be designed to utilize the heat being generated for accelerated petrification of the wood foundation to create Natural Mineral Hot Springs within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem. Additional water pumps will be added (along the irrigating seasonal creek) that are temperature controlled, enabling temperature balance to natural creek temperatures before recycling back into the Jacoby Creek. Through Scientific Research and Development, each Mineral Hot Springs will be designed into unique compositions of high-quality minerals, from natural wood petrification, customized for specific nutritious benefits that optimize Restoration of the Endangered Jacoby Creek Watershed Habitats. By Centralizing mineral adjustments made within the hot springs for Rehabilitation of the Wild Aquatic Habitats within the Jacoby Creek Watershed; adjustments are made in orientation to the flourishing of the entire Jacoby Creek Ecosystem (for when the Watershed Habitats are thriving, so too is the rest of the Forest).
Through Scientific Research and Technological Developments, we will customize Accelerated Tree Petrification Methods to establish Natural Hot Tub Hot Springs within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem. These forms of Water Holes will be developed through advanced engineering methods that customize molds within the wood during the petrification process to structure seating arrangements, and water irrigation, for Luxury Hot Tubs. After the Accelerated Tree Petrification Process has fully occurred, the Hot Tubs will be dug out, removing any surface level mud blocking oxygen circulation into the petrified wood, and Hot Tub air pumps and water pumps will be added into the hot spring’s seating arrangement to create Hot Tub Mineral Hot Springs Integrated into the Natural Redwood Forest Ecosystem. The Electroculture Energy Grid, for the accelerated wood petrification, will be used as a natural energy source to keep the hot tub water jets and air jets on 24/7 (using sustainable and renewable energy).
The Elevated Water Irrigation System will Centralize Environmental Structuring in the development of aero Bioresource Productions within the elevated regions of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem. Waterway Travel Systems will be created in the Trees for recreational use and freshwater irrigation into the terranean and subterranean Waterways.
Large Tubes will be hung along the Redwood Trees, like Water Park Slides, and will pump water from the Jacoby Creek through the Large Tubes into the Water Holes and back into the Jacoby Creek. This basic design will establish our planet’s first Fully Sustainable Water Park harmoniously integrated into the natural structure of an Ancient Forest Ecosystem. The Large Tubes hung along the trees not merely provide basic Water Irrigation throughout the Eco-Village but also operate for recreational and eco-friendly modes of traveling through the wild forest landscape (without disrupting surrounding ecosystems). The Large Tubes enable water to travel throughout any region of the forest without coming into direct contact with the surrounding ecosystem, enabling us to transport water with minimal environmental impact. This Water System enables water access for the Residential Tree House Units within the Eco-Village and also provides emergency water supplies, accessible through any region of the forest, for fire protection.
Small Aquatic Pools will be created in the elevated section of the Redwood Trees that are attached to the Water Park Irrigation System. These Small Aquatic Pools will filter small amounts of running water from the Elevated Irrigation System into the Aquatic pools, while keeping the water channels within the pools calm for habitation of small animal species. These Elevated Aquatic Habitats Will Centralize Environmental Structuring for propelling production (in both quality and quantity) of Natural Bioresources within the Micro-Ecosystems elevated in the trees. Certain terrestrial species, such as salamanders and squirrels, live in height altitudes within the trees, and access to water sources within those elevations will save them significant amounts of time and energy; then able to be used for propelling greater advancements within their species’ development. The Elevated Water Irrigation System will be integrated into providing Freshwater Circulation for the Treehouse Eco-Buildings Micro-Habitats.
Basic Fire Protection within the Jacoby Creek Eco-Village will be accomplished by ensuring pathway accessibility during fire emergencies and by enabling efficient water supplies accessible through any region of the Eco-Village and surrounding regions. In areas of the forest that have greater hazards for roadway damage, such as roads built near cliffs, secondary roadways will also be built within local regions to ensure emergency vehicle access into all sections of the forest in case of emergencies. The Water Park Forest Irrigation System will enable nearly endless water supplies fully accessible through any region of the Forest Ecosystem. This Irrigation System can be utilized to control wildfires, optimizing the natural benefits they have for the development of the Forest Ecosystem with minimal damage and risk to wildlife inhabitants of the Jacoby Creek Forest. The Mist System within the Irrigation System will be integrated into a computer operating system enabling fully control and management of Natural Forest Wildfires.
Emergency Fire Prevention Systems will be established within the subterrain tunnels of the Eco-Village through Emergency Water Flood Gates into the Subterranean Chambers. Periodic Sections within the Subterranean Tunnels will also be designed with quarantine gates in case of fire emergencies. Research, Development, and Experimentation will also be done on developing systems of fire neutralization using acoustic channels.
The Water Park Forest Irrigation System will be designed to emit a mist within the surrounding ecosystem during the summertime to maximize Plant Production within the Forest Ecosystem and offer an additional comfort to animal, insect, and bird inhabitants during the hotter months. The Water Irrigation Mist System will be designed to go off on daily periods during the summer months to promote optimal plant development and assist animals with heat regulation during exceptionally hot days.
Controlled Forest Wildfires will be used for Sustainable Harvesting of Natural Nutrient Resources within the Forest Ecosystem. Controlled Forest Wildfires will be used to produce Large Activated Charcoal Logs and Nutrient Rich Soil.
Customized gardens will be developed, within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem, which utilize permaculture gardening skills to optimize nutrient contents within the surrounding wildlife ecosystem(s). Gardens will be Centralized in development and refinement of native plant species (to the Redwood Forest Ecosystem). Gardens will be customized around the preferences of specific wildlife species. Custom Gardens will be made to provide all the favorite foods for; bees, dragonflies, butterflies, squirrels, chipmunks, racoons, foxes, rats, bears, deer, cougars, elk, fishers, beavers, salamanders, banana slugs, bats, birds, and all the other wildlife species of the Jacoby Creek Forest. Permaculture and Perennial Gardening techniques will be integrated into Native Plant Husbandry to establish paradise environments for each of the native species within the region, propelling the rehabilitation of their Natural Wildlife Habitats.
Ecological Gardening Habitats will be created on the floor level of the Forest Ecosystem and within the Subterranean and Elevated levels of the Ecosystem utilizing Eco-Building Habitat Developments.
Redwood Honeybee Honeycomb Eco-Building Habitats will be structured into Treehouse Model Eco-Buildings, elevated within the Trees. The Walls of this Treehouse Eco-Building will be created as a Natural Honeycomb Hive. The Honeycomb Hives will be structured with strong wooden framework creating the outlining structure for bees to form natural wax honeycombs within. The wooden framework will be structured in multiple levels to ensure extra thickness in the wax honeycombs. The Interior of Honeycomb Eco-Building will be a three-dimensional landscape, accessible to (potential) human inhabitants. The Honeycomb Eco-Buildings will have interior stairways molded from Natural Bee’s Wax Produced within the hive. Modern Beehive Technologies will be integrated into the Honeycomb Habitat to create perpetual honey waterfalls, within and around the Eco-Building Habitat, that gather into larger honey pools as it trickles down the inner levels of the Eco-Building. There will be a natural irrigation system that will create Honey Waterfalls into the surrounding habitats from overflowing honey from within the Honeycomb Eco-Building Habitats.
The Honeycomb Eco-Buildings will be created as habitats ideal for Honeybee’s Production of Honey, Bee’s Wax, and Royal Jelly. Electroculture and Magnetoculture Technologies will be integrated into the Honeybee’s Natural surrounding Pollen Habitats to accelerate the health and growth of their companion flowering plants to propel their capacities to produce the honey needed for sustaining the Honeycomb Eco-Building Habitats. Research, Development, and Experimentation will be done on fusing Natural Honey Production from the Honeycomb Eco-Buildings into waterfall streams that circulates excess honey production into the surrounding ecosystem to maximize pollen production within the environment. Honey Water streams within the surrounding bee habitats will assist with optimizing health conditions for root development and flower production within the ecosystem, perpetuating Natural Honey Production within the ecosystem.
Honeybee Honeycomb Hide-a-way Habitats will be Environmentally Structured to Sequence rehabilitation of the Native Wild Honeybee Populations within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem. Honeycomb Habitats will increase the surplus of Natural Bioresource Production within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem by Centralizing Honeybee Productions in perpetuation of Evolutionary Developments for surrounding Forest Habitats. These Habitats will be structured within Eco-Village Infrastructure to optimize pollinization of the surrounding ecological habitats through Honeybee Productions. Honeybee Eco-Buildings will be structured to perpetuate ecological growth through diversification in geographical areas of pollinization, increasing production of pollinator species, optimizing health conditions for plant habitats, and directing evolutionary pathways within the environment for the emergence of new plant species through cross-pollinization.
Honeybee Honeycomb Hide-a-way Habitats will be structured with at least 5 Eco-Building Units per Habitat. The Honeybee Hive Eco-Building Unit will be placed on the third level of the Habitat. The 2 Upper Treehouses will be turned into Greenhouses for production of high pollen production plants. These greenhouses will incorporate non-local plant species that will be grown in a controlled facility to establish a natural system for integrating specified genetic qualities within the surrounding ecosystem through cross-pollinization. The Cross-pollinization of indoor greenhouse plants with corresponding native wildlife plant species will enable the diversification of genetic qualities within native plant species without any threat from invasive species impeding development of native wildlife inhabitants. The Eco-Building Greenhouses on the higher levels of the Honeybee Habitats will maximize pollen production within the local bee habitat to provide ample food supply for Honey Production. The 2 Lower Treehouse Units will be turned into a Preservation Station and a Human Habitation. The Treehouse Unit right below the Honeycomb Eco-Building will be structured as a Preservation Camber for Food Preserves. The Roofing Structure of the Treehouse Eco-Building right below the Honeycomb Habitat will be designed to capture falling honey and spread it out along the entirety of the roof. The Roofing Habitat will capture large amounts of insects within the surrounding ecosystem and mold these insects into the honey, providing ample food sources for animal species that naturally feed on honey. The honey will then drop from the roofing structure into the interior of the second Treehouse Eco-Building. Within this Eco-building, Bottle Gourd Plants will be grown and cultivated for preservation purposes. Bottle Gourds will be preserved and then used for honey preservation and storage. Nuts, Berries, Fruits, and Vegetables will be stored with honey within the bottle gourds for preservation for the wintertime. Within the wintertime, the preserved food will then be made accessible to the local surrounding wildlife ecosystem. The bottom level treehouse Eco-Building will be turned into a Human Habitation for local bee experts to stay and integrate themselves into the Honeybee Habitat as members of the ecosystem.
The surrounding Habitat for the Honeybees will be crafted from specially prepared honey water that will flow from the Lower Three Levels of the Honeybee Habitat. Honey will be diluted with water as it moves into the ground level of the ecosystem. The honey will dilute with the water in 3 different purities; pure honey straight from the honeycomb, pure honey with insects in it, and pure honey with plants inside. Research, Development, and Experimentation will be done on the impact of honey on surrounding aquatic ecosystems. Honey will be developed for increasing vital food sources into the local aquatic ecosystems to maximize aquatic bioresource production within the ecosystem. Basic studies on honey within aquatic ecosystems have shown potentials for health benefits on certain species of fish. Honey infused with insects will be filtered into the local aquatic ecosystem to increase base food supply circulating into the aquatic ecosystem. Preserved vegetables will be circulated through the aquatic ecosystem during the winter months to help maximize fish production within the local ecosystem year-round.
Tree Den Eco-Building Habitats Will Centralize the Treehouse Eco-Buildings into perpetual nut and berry dens. The Interior of these dens will be created as indoor greenhouses Centralized in the production of small nut trees. The interior Roofing Structure will be created with high quality Green House Lights. Prime Nut Trees, such as pistachios, almonds, chestnuts, and walnuts; will be grown within the indoor treehouse green house. Other nuts, such as peanuts, will also be grown within the interior of the Tree-Building. An exterior deck will be created in this tree building that will harbor berry habitats. Wildlife Residential quarters will be created within the Roofing and Flooring structures of the Tree Den Eco-Building Habitats. The Interior Nut Production within the Tree Den establishes a natural, and perpetual, production system for nut storage. The nuts will be able to be permanently stored within the indoor greenhouse after they fall to the ground and will be accessible to the leisure of the Forest Critters. Berry Productions will be exclusive to the exterior habitats of the Tree Den to ensure that no rotting or decaying takes place within the Interior Nut Storage Production Plant. The close approximation of Berry Bush Productions will provide flavored hydration for the inhabiting species, complimentary to their nut feasts.
Subterranean Dwarven Gemstone Eco-Buildings will be Centralized in the Production of Aquatic and Ecological Habitats. The Salmon Den Eco-Building Habitats will be multi-leveled, subterranean, habitats structured on top of Natural Spring Water-Wells. The Natural Spring Water-Wells will be linked into the Subterranean Water Irrigation Systems and Environmentally Structured into Wild Salmon Spawning Habitats. The Wild Salmon will be able to access the Subterranean waterways through the Jacoby Creek and the water ways will lead the salmon into the multi-layered Subterranean Eco-Building, until they reach the deepest levels of the Spawning Spring. The Subterranean Eco-Buildings will be designed with calm pools for the salmon to swim in, enabling optimal Salmon Bioresource Productions for inhabiting populations. A Water Pump System will be created within the Subterranean Spring(s) to pump water from the spring(s) back into the Jacoby Creek; this water system will be accessible for the baby salmon to be able to exit into the ocean.
The Subterranean Salmon Den Eco-Building Habitats will utilize Electroculture Energy to produce light energy, fruit trees, berry bushes, nut trees, and other foods that bears, bats, birds, foxes, and racoons enjoy. Luminescent and Fluorescent Petrified Wood Productions will be implemented to create natural lighting systems within the subterranean salmon dens. Electroculture Technologies will be utilized to maximize natural Biophoton Productions to establish natural UV lighting within the Salmon Den Eco-Buildings, activating the natural Fluorescent Qualities of the Gemstone Eco-Building Structure. Air Vent Channels will be created through Petrified Wood Tunnel Systems connecting the Subterranean Salmon Den with the surface. These Tunnel Systems will be designed for accessibility to bats, birds, and flying insects.
Fisher Waterway Systems will be established through the integration of Subterranean, Terranean, and Elevated Water Irrigation Systems within Eco-Village Structuring. Currently, Fishers spend much of their time in running creek environments. The Subterranean and Elevated Waterway Systems will expand the dimensional perimeters of the Fisher’s Natural Habitats to enable the fisher to naturally travel between all levels of the Forest Ecosystem.
Salamanders are found within a diverse range of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem. They enjoy being in wet areas near running water but are also found within high elevations in the Redwood Trees (likely hunting for food). Salamander Treehouse Habitats will integrate Aquatic Habitats into the Elevated Environments of the Redwood Trees, enabling the Salamanders access to closer water sources while operating in the elevation of the Redwood Trees. The Aquatic Treehouse Habitats will be designed with calm water pools that still circulates enough running water to keep the pools clean. These pools will be cultivated into insect habitats for Dragonflies and other wetland insects. These Habitats will provide Aquatic Resources for native species inhabiting elevated environments high up in the Redwood Trees.
NASA Waste Management Technologies will be utilized to establish Bio-renewable Waste Management systems for recycling biological waste into renewable energy. NASA has developed a system for turning 60% of the biomass in poop from septic systems into renewable methane that can be used for sustainable chemical energy. NASA has also developed systems for turning water in pee into hydrogen fuel cells. These technologies will be utilized in the development of Eco-Villages to operate as Bio-renewable Waste Management systems to turn our biological waste into energy that can be used for heating Eco-Buildings and basic electrical needs. The leftover waste will be used for biodegrading safely back into the local ecosystem or will be extracted by local septic tank contractors and disposed of safely.
A Sustainable Sewage System will be built beneath local septic systems utilizing Petrified Wood Tunnel Structuring. The sewage system will be structured as a natural Composting System that irrigates the Composted Waste to prime locations within the subterranean forest habitats. The 40% of biomass left within the poop will be drained into the sewage system, composted within the sewage system, and then used within specified regions of the subterranean ecosystem to promote the habitat development of natural decomposer species within the Redwood Forest Ecosystem.
Solar Panel Technology will be upgraded utilizing Geometric Fractal Solar Cell Structuring to increase the band spectrums that solar panels can absorb electromagnetic energy from. Fractal Technology is currently used in Radio Antenna Technologies, enabling Radio Antennae to pick up multiple radio channels simultaneously (blue tooth technology). Prior to utilization of Geomatic Fractal Radio Antennae, Radios could only pick up 1 channel at a time. Radio waves are only a small spectrum of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Theoretically, utilizing Geometric Fractal Structuring for Solar Cells will also increase the spectrum of electromagnetic waves it is capable of absorbing within any singular instant.
NASA Waste Management Technology will be used to produce Sustainable, and Renewable Chemical Energy Productions. NASA Biomass Converters will be attached to local septic systems, turning 60% of biomass within poop into Renewable Methane Gas. NASA Converters can also turn water into hydrogen fuel cells; enabling astronomical supplies of accessible Chemical Energy stored within the natural water resources of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem.
Electroculture and Magnetoculture Electrical Generators -
After construction is completed on Petrified Wood Roadway Systems and Petrified Wood Subterranean Highways, the Large Electroculture Energy Generator that was originally diverting energy into accelerating the heating process for Wood Petrification will be rediverted for providing Basic Energy Needs for Inhabitants of the Redwood Forest Eco-Village(s). The Electrical Energy Required to accelerate wood petrification to as little as a year will provide sufficient electrical energy for daily societal needs within localized regions.
Subterranean Lightning Chambers -
The Primary Electrical Grid within Eco-Village Habitats will be created using Petrified Wood Tunnel Systems customized into Perpetual Lightning Chambers within the Subterranean environment of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem. Research, Development, and Experimentation will be done to use Petrified Wood Tunnel Chambers to replicate the atmospheric conditions of thunderstorms to create Natural, Perpetual, Lightning Chambers to produce Electricity within Eco-Villages for Eco-City Development.
Scientists have been able to replicate thunderstorm conditions within controlled laboratory settings. Technology will be developed to circulate air from the atmosphere into subterranean lightning chambers and utilize infrasound to produce osculating air currents, created by very large sound waves, to create high levels of friction for lightning to form from the static of the compressing, and osculating, molecules within the atmosphere. The Electroculture Energy Generators will be used to Convert Electricity Generated from the Earth’s Natural Magnetic Field into the base energy supply for generating strong wind currents, and infrasound waves, within the Subterranean Petrified Wood Lightning Chambers, for the production of larger Lightning Energy Supplies circulating through the Subterranean Environments of the Redwood Forest Ecosystem.
The Petrified Wood Tunnels used for Lightning Chambers will be specifically developed to be extra thick, ensuring no dangerous electrical discharges within inhabited subterranean areas. The upper interior of the Petrified Wood Lightning Chambers will be coated with large quantities of gold, silver, and other electrically conductive metals that can assist with the production of lightning currents within these tunnel systems. The bottom interior of the Petrified Wood Lightning Chambers will be coated with large quantities of cobalt, neodymium, magnetite, iron, and other magnetically conductive metals that will assist with polarizing the air currents to separate positive and negative charged ions within the lightning chambers; replicating the environment for thunderstorms to form. Research, Development, and Experimentation will be done on utilizing the high heat levels from the lightning chambers to increase the quality of petrified wood and the rate that the petrified wood minerals are being absorbed into the surrounding ecosystem. Research and Development will centralize experimentations in coating the interior of the Lightning Chambers with large amounts of Carbon to establish techniques for creating Diamond Coated Interiors within the Lightning Chambers to operate as natural insulators. If needed, the exterior will be coated in large amounts of electrically resistant and absorbent materials to completely neutralize all electrical currents from escaping into the exterior subterranean ecosystems. Studies and experimentations will be Centralized into optimizing mineral composition and energy production within Lightning Chambers to accelerate the health and growth of the Ancient Redwood Forest Ecosystem to reach equal or greater caliber as the ancestors of these trees existed during the times of the dinosaurs.
Redwood Forest Perpetual Particle Accelerator -
Lightning Storms are Nature’s Particle Accelerator. Within Lightning Storms, vast amounts of subatomic particles are being produced through production of the lightning. Lightning Storms produce unique productions of subatomic particles depending on the Environmental Conditions of the Storm. Lightning Storms have been recorded emitting gamma ray particles and anti-matter particles. Technology Integrations into the Subterranean Petrified Wood Lightning Chambers will be used to control energetic intensities of lightning, produced within the Chambers, for Research, Development, and Experimentation of Sub-Atomic Particles and Quantum Theory.
Subterranean Electromagnetic Energy Grid -
The Electromagnetic Energy Grid within the Redwood Forest Eco-Village(s) will be designed utilizing Sacred Geomatic Structuring Centralized along the Natural Electromagnetic Field of the Planetary Biosphere. Electroculture Energy Generators (operating beneath roadway and highway systems) will all pointed in along a North-South Internal. Sections of Roadway/Highway Systems that need to connect east and west directions will be connected along a diagonal interval pointed along the north-south direction. Special Magnets will be used to maximize the Diagonal Magnetic Polarity for maximum Electrical Energy along diagonal sections of the roadways/highways systems. The Energy created from the Electromagnetic Energy Grid will be used as the primary energy source for creating heavy air currents, and infrasound frequencies, needed for the atmospheric conditions for Perpetual Atmospheric Lighting to circulate within the Subterranean Petrified Wood Lightning Chamber Habitats. The Subterranean Lightning Chambers will operate as a Natural Particle Accelerator. The Lightning Chambers will be designed to collide (in current-conflicting directions) at specific intervals where large amounts of energy will be released. These specific internals will be created to absorb the large energy blasts and convert it into stored potential energy to be used for Natural Energy Resources. Quantum Computerized Control Systems will be created to control and direct the Subterranean Lightning Currents and Natural Energy Production for societal, and ecological, necessities and advancements.
The Development of Community Habitats will be Centralized in creating Environmental Structures that promote, facilitate, and direct the natural evolutionary course of human advancements within the environment. Community Habitats will include gazebos, in-ground arena theaters, dance floors, music stages, patio areas, swimming holes, waterslides, forest playgrounds, laser tag/eco-friendly paintball arenas, spas, tea-cup tea-lounges, Tiki Food Huts, Barrel Brew Houses, and other structures that build upon the forest’s natural Magick and wonder for living! Environmental Sequencing will be Centralized in Structuring the Environment for Community Festivals that strengthen societal bonds through natural congregation, and interactions, between people.
Tree Shaping Techniques can be implemented for creating Furniture from Living Trees. Tree Shaping Techniques will be implemented to grow Living Tree Gazebos. Electroculture and Magnetoculture Technologies will be implemented for accelerating the natural growth and health of the trees to form Gazebo Eco-Building Structures within reasonable timespans for Eco-Village Development.
Gazebo Building Habitats will be created to promote, facilitate, and direct the congregation of people within these habitats. Sitting areas will be established along the interior walling of the Gazebos to facilitate a leisurely space for group gatherings to occur.
In-Ground Arena Theaters will be established within Forest Eco-Village utilizing Accelerated Petrified Wood Eco-Building Construction Methods. Arena Theaters will be created with at least 3 floor/seating levels and will be designed with natural Water Irrigation Systems for naturally draining the water, and keep the water fully drained, during the rain seasons. Living Tree Gazebo Structures might be placed around the Arena Theaters to create Natural Roofing Structures to protect the Gazebo from Rain and harsh weather conditions, enabling it accessible throughout the year.
In-Ground Arena Theater Structures will promote, facilitate, and direct the evolution within the environment towards Development of the Theatrical Arts. The In-Ground Arena Theaters will be accessible to local actors and actresses for hosting their own theater productions and will be in regions promoting cultural development, and exchange, among community congregations.
Dance Floors will be creating using Petrified Wood Foundations. Living Tree Gazebo Structures might be placed around the dance floors to keep it dry during rainy season and add extra natural scenery for Dance Productions.
Dance Floors established within the Eco-Village will promote, facilitate, and direct the evolutionary development of Dance within the environment. Dance Floors will be created to operate as safe places for Dancers to train and practice techniques before implementing them within daily motions through the Forest Environment(s). The Dance Floors will also operate as stages for hosting Dance Productions within the Eco-Village Community.
Patio Areas will be creating using Treehouse Eco-Building Structures for creating Patios within the Elevation of the Trees. These Patios will operate as natural micro-habitats for the native species inhabiting the elevation of the tree and will also operate for leisurely human activities.
Patio Areas will Centralize Environments for interspecies congregations to occur in mutually appeasing places/settings.
Playground Structures will be integrated into the Natural Forest Landscapes, specified uniquely for individual species, and for the culmination of child-play among many diverse species.
Playground Environments will be structured to promote the healthy development of children and operate as educational spaces for teaching children how to interact with each other in healthy social settings, develop basic skill sets needed for life, and engage with the limitless potentials of their imaginations within real-world settings.
Natural Spa areas will be established through the development of Petrified Wood Mineral Hot Springs, Petrified Wood Hot Tub Hot Springs, and the development of Sustainable Saunas within the Eco-Village Habitats.
Spa Environments will be Structured to promote relaxation, sereneness, and mineralization of the skin through absorption of healthy nutrient compounds. Spa environments will be created as natural evolutionary chambers for the body to evolve, through the accumulation and integration of healthy mineral compounds, by simply being within the environment.
Restaurant Establishments within Eco-Village Establishments will Centralize Eco-Building Construction to provide ideal atmospheres complimentary to the cultural dining experience. Eco-Building Restaurant Structures will integrate imaginative Faerie Building Structures and ideal vacation habitats for the production of high-quality restaurant establishments.
Restaurant Environments will be Structured to promote, facilitate, and direct the course of Culinary Art Developments within Eco-Village Structures.